Mainnet Normal Node
Build dependencies
Installing dependencies and setting things up are required to run a node, please check out Build dependencies if you have not done.
Run a node
You can run your read node using go-u2u repository, branch stable
Note that https and ws must not be enabled on a server that stores wallet account.
Validate your go-u2u installation:
Running with mainnet genesis file
You may use no-history genesis file and sync with --syncmode snap
Snapsync will sync much faster. Once it's fully synced, it will automatically switch to the full sync mode.
Syncing progress
Once it's run, you should wait till it's synced up to the latest block before proceeding to the next step.
You may query the latest block number of your node:
Then you can compare with the latest block shown on the explorer (
For trouble shooting your node, please check this.
Last updated